Sunday, October 21, 2007

Robert Smith has got to be one of the ugliest persons I've ever seen

Indeed. But damn he can sing and play!
Tonight The Cure put on a 3-hour long, fantastic show, for which a had a great seat thanks to Baxter. They took an audience of what I reckon were at least 20,000 people for a ride from obscure (written under the influence of very hard drugs) music, with mind blowing guitar textures, to more upbeat and happy sounding pop music. They encored three times and finished with one of their most famous classics: Boys don't Cry.
I can't call myself a fan of The Cure, since I basically just know their greatest hits. Nonetheless I really enjoyed the show. The sound and the vibe were fantastic and I could've stayed there for three more hours.

Then there was the crowd, who made the experience even more amusing. In front of me, a chav with his girlfriend. You could tell the guy was a big fan from his euphoric singing of every one of the songs. He was really feeling the music and dancing to it, but had not an inkling of how to move his body RYHTHMICALLY to it.
Next to chav's girlfriend (who was clearly there just out of love for the bloke), a group of four friends who made me realize there might be a stage of human development just as ugly as puberty, usually denoted in Mexico by the term "contemporary adulthood". These guys were behaving like frat boys who went to get smashed at the concert, growing increasingly obnoxious for the people around them with every beer they had, and seemingly unable to understand that "no, we didn't bring any pot!!". Still, fratboy-like behavior and all, they were clearly not young college guys, or fresh out of it, but neither were they "made" adults, the kind you can address as "señor"; they were just... something, which was NOT a nice sight.
I recently went to a highschool class reunion, five years after graduation. We looked at pictures from back in the day, and damn we were ugly at the time! I just hope the transition to being a señor happens gracefully, cause I'm quite happy with the way I look now and don't want to face another phase of ugliness.

(MMG: I was ugly as a teenager, but you're not. Don't worry, you're gorgeous)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Sobre la puñeta

Me permito traerles la traducción de un extracto de una gran reflexión hecha por uno de los mayores pensadores portugueses de los últimos tiempos. Quién lee el portugués puede consultar el texto original aquí.

Realmente la puñeta es más que un pasatiempo, es cómo el yoga de los cogelones: distrae, se puede hacer sólo o en grupo y, cuando mencionamos a otras personas que lo hacemos, ellos nos miran cómo si fuésemos anormales. En el caso del yoga, lo entiendo. Ahora, ¿¡de la puñeta!?

¡Tantas cosas que podría decir de la puñeta! Cuantas veces a mis quince años (y a mis veiticuatro también, confieso) recé para que se hicieran realidad los mitos que profetizaban el crecimiento de pelos en la mano del puñetero competente. Si tal fuese verdad, tendría la derecha siempre rasurada, simulando una concha rapadita y profesional, y la izquierda peluda, simulando una pucha fodonga y descuidada. Despúes, nomás tendría que escoger... Pero sueño.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Del respeto y tolerancia a la pendejez

Yo respeto a los pendejos, tolero a los pendejos. No podría ser de otra manera una vez que yo mismo, excepto por algunos destellos de lucidez brillante cuya duración se encuentra en el orden de los microsegundos, soy un pendejo también. De hecho, es muy probable que esté escribiendo puras pendejadas; por lo que le advierto, en mi condición de pendejo humilde, que tal vez no sea conveniente seguir leyendo esto. Si fuese su voluntad continuar, me deslindo de toda responsabilidad y declaro que de ninguna manera soy uno de los tipos de pendejo descritos a continuación.

Me parecen indignos de cualquier miramiento los pendejos pretenciosos e intencionados de convertirnos a los demás en víctimas de su pendejez, y peor aún el intento de imponer la misma a alguien más. Dicha intencionalidad de victimización o imposición es un concepto cuestionable ya que la intención requiere de voluntad y ésta requiere de decisión y libre albedrío y la presencia de tales cualidades bajo la influencia de la pendejez son, una vez más, dudosas. No obstante estos temas sean interesantes y dignos de reflexión, el juicio de la acción debe considerar tanto intención como consecuencia y por lo tanto, para evitar sufrir las consecuencias de la pendejez ajena, se debe denunciar y mantener gran distancia de cualquier pendejo victimizador o impositivo.

Invito a quien quisiere reflexionar conmigo sobre el vasto mundo de la pendejez y sus múltiples manifestaciones. Eso sí, no pueden decir que los he victimizado o intentado subyugar con mi pendejez, pues yo advertí en el primer párrafo que esto era una pendejada.

“Ser pendejo no es vergonzoso, lo es el aparentar que no lo somos.”

- Pendejo anónimo-

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Brief statment of my beliefs today

I don't believe there's a god. At least not in the "he's-everywhere, can-see-it-all, knows-it-all, and will-reward-or-punish-you-for-your-deeds kinda way" Yes, that singularity that exploded a long time ago and we now call universe must have had a start. One beyond our understanding. I'm OK with calling that god.

I certainly don't believe the universe's purpose is having US here. We're such a tiny new thing, immerse in an enormous old place. Makes no sense for us to be the sole objective of it all. I believe we're here because zillions of years of physics and chemistry, combined with evolution made the time and place right for us to exist, and eventually take care of our own extinction.

I don't believe we're here for any particular reason, or for any definite purpose. I believe in nothingness after death. It doesn't scare me, and there's no need or use in trying to imagine it, since nothing is just that and I will have no conscience of it.

Nevertheless, I believe in finding a purpose, a reason to live; but simply as a means of enjoying our time here and living happily.

I believe in helping those less fortunate than us achieve as much happiness as they can.

I believe the world would be a much better place if we all shared at least one value: respect. No 'love your neighbor as yourself' bull. Despise him, envy him... it will only make you unhappy; might as well try to like him and be good friends, but in any case RESPECT him. Live happily and don't get in the way of others' happiness.

As for me, it make it my goal in life to see as much of the world as possible and learn as much as my brain can take. So many great places to see, cultures, points of view, people, knowledge... I just can't feel easy being at the same place for too long.

I hope someday I'll love someone, and this someone will love me, and we'll follow each other all around the world because we share the same goal.

Finally, I wish that everywhere I go and everywhere I've been, there's at least one person that has a good memory of me. If I'm headed to nothingness, I might as well linger on for a bit in someone's mind.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Second day in Buenos Aires

Needed a good night's sleep after the last few weeks of a frantic lifestyle. So I slept. Woke up at noon and went out for a walk downtown which led me to a fantastic sandwich. Bought some skiing socks and a scarf and came back to the hostel to read and waited for my friend Bugé to arrive from Brazil. Played pool with him, met up with Leo, went out to eat meat and drink the best bottle of wine 5 dollars can buy (and it was damn good), and came back to the hostel to watch Brazil barely beat Uruguay in penalty kicks.
Went to dance to beat of crazy drum n' bass.
Night ending at 5.15 a.m.
Gonna be up at 11 to go to Casa Rosada and Boca.

Otra receta perfecta!

Beba una cerveza,

Vaya a un lugar que toque drum n' bass,

Beba otra cerveza,

un vodka con Red Bull,

otro vodka con Red Bull,

Fume un churro,

Relájese, relájese, disfrute de la música y baile hasta acabarse.

No necesita beber más, después de eso sólo agua.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Snow in Buenos Aires!

Some people say it was in 1918, some 1928, but the fact is it hadn't snowed for a long long while in Buenos Aires. Finally did today, just as my plane landed. Great luck, really, as lots of flights were canceled afterwards.

Got here, showered, and headed out to Café Tortoni (pictures later) Buenos Aires' most typical cafe. As I waited for my table I met Sebastián, and no longer had to ask for a table for one. In there we met with his friend Clara, and later Christian arrived. They turned out to be Buenos Aires' sons of rich people who devote their lifes to art and hedonism. Interesting crowd, old school "burgueses" who enjoy throwing in a lot of French words in their speech. It was really funny having them write down things I said, for them to remember, as they found me "memorable". Our afternoon ended in Christian's attelier in a beautiful building in Avenida de Mayo, drinking wine and watching the snow fall.

Back to the hostel for a nap as I barely slept on the plane after partying until sunup in Sao Paulo. Party at the hostel afterwards, and now I'm ready for bed. Off to start seeing Buenos Aires tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Goodbye Brasília

Ten more days.

Ten more days and I'll leave the place where I've spent the last year of my life.

I'm about to go back to a place where life is way more comfortable. Fridge fills itself back up with food when it is running low. Bills pay themselves. Food is always ready... but still, I don't want to leave.

Already feel the nostalgia of the friends made and the times lived here. It has undoubtedly been one of the most intense years of my life. Fell in love with whom I thought would be the last woman in my life. Had the most painful breakup, which left me on the verge of sending it all to hell and going back home. Cried, oh I cried, that's most unusual for me, but I did. Found myself to be completely alone in a foreign country. Met true loneliness for the first time. Got over it. Wasn't easy or very fast but managed to pull myself back together and keep going. Made new friends, good ones, cherished ones.

It was also an academically productive year. Built myself a reputation and made good progress in the pursuit of an academic career. Experienced teaching in a university for the first time.

Traveled, saw amazing places and met fantastic people. More traveling is yet to come, gotta hit the road for a bit before going back home.

Good times and bad times it was all a wonderful time. I will only discover how much I have changed after arriving back home.

When I'll be back, I dunno. Where I'll go next, I dunno. Good reasons to come back. Am I about to have another? We'll see... we'll see

Meanwhile, I have to go.

Oh, I almost forgot: damn I partied here too!!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Soliloquio de un matemático con hueva

Tengo una hueva irracional... inconmensurable!

Será que es imaginaria? ... O acaso es compleja?

No... es real, es real


Two months without posting!!!! I really suck! Looks like I had nothing interesting to write about it.
I'll get back here! Shame on me

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Just for now

Dean Bowman/David Fiuczynski

Just for now
Let me love you ‘til it’s over baby
Just for now
You need love just like I do
Just for now
You need a love that’s true

Lipstick on y’navel
Searchin’ about such a good thing
Buttcheeks on the table (Oh, sh...)
So opinionated you might think
She’d tell me why
She’d build for me
A castle in the sky

Tell you no lies and
Promise no sorrow
Baby let’s kiss and love
Like there’s no tomorrow
Strong Black love
Give something for the doer
Bold lust crush
Ain’t no other love truer
Standing up tall with nothing to hide
Stroke it in the middle
And move it side to side
Shave y’love for a shiny ornament
Savor love for a new resident
I’m have to hit
Miss pretty some more
Come down hard on me baby
Drive me right through the floor

Monday, March 26, 2007

Jesus no meu coração

Semana passada fui a São Paulo, onde passei cinco maravilhosos dias com uma amiga queridíssima. Vi cobras, comi o melhor brownie da minha vida na Bella Paulista, comi sushi, cantei num karaokê na Liberdade, fiquei bêbado, fiquei doido, fui numa boate rock e até num puteiro na Augusta.

Foi depois de perder-me no pecado naquela cidade; quando voltei nesta da que tanto gosto, Brasília, que recebi Jesus no meu coração !

A Mirna, uma amiga, teve a gentileza de buscar-me no aeroporto. No percurso à minha casa na Asa Norte, passamos pela Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus. Uma vez que tinha muitos carros ali e dada a minha curiosidade por conhecer aquele culto fanático, disse à Mirna: “Ó, vamos na igreja universal!”. Ela olhou com aquela cara de quem não acredita no que acabou de ouvir, mas eu confirmei: “É a serio, vamos mesmo!”.

Combinamos uma historia: caso tivéssemos que falar qual o nosso problema, o que levava-nos procurar a ajuda de Deus, queríamos um milagre - éramos primos, apaixonados, querendo casar, mas a nossa família reprovava aquele ato incestuoso. E procurando a bênção do Senhor para o nosso sincero e puro amor, entramos no templo.

A princípio, aquilo tinha a cara de um culto normal, pessoas reunidas e um cara a ler a biblia e explicar ao pessoal o que aquilo significava. O bispo, como ele gostava de chamar a si mesmo , era um homem novo, bem vestido, que lia e interpretava a palavra de Deus com muita veemência e paixão. Apelava ao mais profundo do coração das pessoas, àqueles problemas que não os deixam dormir e chamava-os a serem fortes e entregarem toda a sua fé para aquele ser onipotente, que não ia deixar nenhum dos seus filhos sozinho.

Depois começou a música ao vivo e o bispo fez alarde de seus dotes musicais cantando para a patuléia e animando todos a bater palmas e cantar junto. Eu, não conhecendo as letras, vi-me sem chance de cantar, mas ninguém tirou-me o gosto de bater palmas e dançar ao som de temas como “Jesus me ama” e “Deus é o meu salvador”.

Cabe dizer que o templo era lindo. Palco grande, cenografia cara, boa iluminação e ótimo som, invejável para qualquer teatro da Broadway.

Quando terminou o intervalo musical começou a parte interessante: luzes apagadas e pequenas lâmpadas que brilhavam no teto como se fossem estrelas. “Irmãos, dia dezoito de março será o dia da libertação, será comemorado em toda igreja universal no mundo! É o dia em que vocês podem mostrar a Deus que querem vê-lo na sua vida! Quem já tiver gastado muito dinheiro tentando resolver um problema que os homens não conseguiram, mostre a Deus que realmente quer vê-lo na sua vida! Quem quiser ver Deus na sua vida, receber Jesus no coração, deverá escrever o seu problema num papel e colocá-lo num destes envelopes! Quem realmente estiver precisando de um milagre tem que mostrar a Deus! Coloque o seu sofrimento no envelope junto com a sua doação! Quem for doar dez mil reais ou mais venha agora, dez mil reais ou mais! Cinco mil reais ou mais! Quem vai dar cinco mil reais ou mais venha tomar o seu envelope agora!” Cinco mil reais ou mais...

O que eu vi nesse dia? Uma turma de pessoas de cérebro lavado a doar grandes quantidades de dinheiro a alguém que conseguiu convencê-los que financiar transas com garotos de programa vai resolver todos os seus problemas.

E eu aqui estudando engenharia... Melhor começar a minha igreja, e aí sim vou viajar o mundo inteiro.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dejen a Google en paz!!

Viacom ha decidido demandar a Google y a You Tube por "violación masiva e intencional de derechos de autor"

Google, quien responde a todas mis preguntas, me ayuda en todas mis tareas y hace mi vida más fácil y divertida día a día.

You Tube, gran amigo en las horas ociosas y frecuente animador de borracheras y pachecas.

Déjenlos en paz!!!!!!

La negación de la naturaleza de hombre

El Papa se manifieta competamente en contra cualquier cambio en el celibato sacerdotal.

Ay! Benedicto, dales chance a los padrecitos de que se hechen un palito con una chica de vez en cuándo!
Es bien padre, te relaja y ayuda a no pensar en andar haciendo cochinadas con niños.

Papá Diosito nos dio un pitín a todos y ha de ser para que lo usemos de vez en cuando.

Échenle un ojo a este sítio, está bueno

Bush en México

El evento del año! La visita del honorable presidente George Bush a México!

Mi visión de los acontecimientos diarios en aquella patria que me vió nacer actualmente se basa en la edición "online" de los periódicos que amablemente nos permiten mirar en ellos sin una suscripción (léase El Universal y La Jornada). Hace mucho tiempo no veía un evento tan bien cubierto por estos medios. En sus sitios de internet se pueden consultar actualizaciones de las noticias al momento, recién salidas del horno.

9:15 a.m. Bush ya se terminó de vestir y se prepara para salir del hotel

9:23 a.m. Bush se detuvo en la recepción y pidió un vaso con agua.

9:34 a.m. Calderón espera a Bush en la entrada de Uxmal

9:44 a.m. Bush llega a Uxmal y da la mano a Calderón

9:45 a.m. Calderón pregunta a Bush si le picaron los tacos

Pueden seguir paso a paso la travesía de este par de mequetrefes y enterarse de todos los acontecimientos chuzcos alrededor de esa visita. Los dejo con un par de muestras.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Lately I’ve discovered this uncanny ability of mine to make up amazing stories and theories to get things to go my way. It’s like I was some kind of emperor or dictator conveniently concocting decrees to suit my wishes.

Have I found my Beatrice Portinari that unleashes all this so-far hidden wit and creativity? Am I so desperate for sex my brain is working overtime to try and get some? Might be the first option (hopefully) cause this only happens when I’m around this one girl; haven’t mastered the task as to turn myself into one of this nail-them-all studs.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Lecciones de portugués

Las semejanzas entre el portugués y el español no son pocas, al grado que dos interlocutores hablando cada una de estas lenguas con velocidad moderada conseguirían entenderse razonablemente bien. Sin embargo existen ciertas diferencias de las cuales es conveniente estar consciente.

I La pinga

La caipirinha es una bebida extremadamente popular en Brasil, por la cual este país es conocido en el mundo entero. Dicha bebida se prepara con: un chingo de limón, un chingo de hielo, un chingo de azúcar y dos chingos de cachaça.

La cachaça es un destilado de caña de azúcar, de sabor muy diferente al del ron, usualmente llamado aguardiente en otros lugares. Uno de los múltiples nombres que se le da a la cachaça en Brasil es pinga.

Entonces, si alguna vez están en Brasil y algún hombre amigable los invita a su casa a chupar pinga, no se asusten, no está proponiendo una sesión de felaciones, simplemente los está convidando a degustar la más típica de las bebidas alcohólicas en Brasil.

II ser un gato

En México, ser llamado gato se asocia con servilismo, bajeza, lamehuevés o extremo mal gusto. En Brasil, se acostumbra llamar de gato o gata a las personas del sexo opuesto (o del mismo, según sus preferencias) que uno encuentra físicamente atractivas. De manera que ser gato(a) en Brasil es bueno, ser gatísimo(a) es mejor, y ser el(la) más gato(a) que alguien haya conocido es un elogio que pocas personas escucharán en su vida.

III transar

Para nosotros mexicanos, transar es un acto moralmente reprobable y vergonzoso. Para los brasileños, transar es un acto normal, del que todo mundo gusta, todo mundo quiere participar y todo mundo se enorgullece cuando hace bien.

La diferencia es que en el Brasil transar es una manera común de llamar al acto sexual.

Que hemos aprendido en estas últimas lecciones?

Que ser un gato que chupa pinga, transa mucho y transa bien puede no ser tan malo como habríamos pensado.

Piénsenle, tal vez hay varios que deberían estar en Brasil y no en México.

Ahora me voy a echar una caipirinha. Salud!

Recipe for a perfect monday night

If you’re luck enough to have an apartment with a hot tub and unlucky enough to live in a boring city, if you really want to go out but can find nothing to do, here’s a recipe for an awesome monday night.

Fill up the hot tub with hot water

Get an ice cold beer

Make a huge caipirinha

Get some cigarettes

A big plate of potato chips (add hot sauce if you’re a Mexican)

Play your favorite music

Put all of that next to the tub, get in and relax!!!!

(I wish I had some weed but some Aussie smoked it all and my contacts failed that day)