Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Recipe for a perfect monday night

If you’re luck enough to have an apartment with a hot tub and unlucky enough to live in a boring city, if you really want to go out but can find nothing to do, here’s a recipe for an awesome monday night.

Fill up the hot tub with hot water

Get an ice cold beer

Make a huge caipirinha

Get some cigarettes

A big plate of potato chips (add hot sauce if you’re a Mexican)

Play your favorite music

Put all of that next to the tub, get in and relax!!!!

(I wish I had some weed but some Aussie smoked it all and my contacts failed that day)


Camila said...

Isn't it REALLY funny that I have weed here and YOU don't? It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine, as somebody has already sung... :-) Loved the name!

Anonymous said...

(leéase como "queremos Rock") queremos fotooooooooosssss

Anonymous said...

You write very well.